
avoid financial exploitation of elderly

John J. Woods of Southport Capital/Horizon Private Equity-Pleads Guilty to $25M Ponzi scheme-Atlanta, GA

John J. Woods of Southport Capital/Horizon Private Equity-Pleads Guilty to $25M Ponzi scheme-Atlanta, GA 150 150 Rex Securities Law

Horizon Private Equity III Investor Losses Estimated to Exceed 25 Million   According to a US Attorney’s Office press release, John J. Woods has pleaded guilty to operating a Ponzi…

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Certified Financial Planners Board Disciplines 33 Individuals

Certified Financial Planners Board Disciplines 33 Individuals 150 150 Rex Securities Law

September 2022 Sanctions by Certified Financial Planners Board According to their website, the “Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Board is a non-profit organization acting in the public interest by fostering professional standards in…

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Intervest International Equities & GWG L-Bonds Losses?

Intervest International Equities & GWG L-Bonds Losses? 150 150 Rex Securities Law

Losses on GWG L-Bonds Purchased From Intervest International Equities?   As we have previously posted, see link ( GWG L-Bonds. We can help ), given the fact that GWG Holdings has…

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Centaurus Financial & GWG L-Bonds Losses?

Centaurus Financial & GWG L-Bonds Losses? 150 150 Rex Securities Law

Losses on GWG L-Bonds Purchased From Centaurus Financial?   As we have previously posted, see link ( GWG L-Bonds. We can help ), given the fact that GWG Holdings has recently…

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GWG L Bond Losses? How to Recover Damages

GWG L Bond Losses? How to Recover Damages 150 150 Rex Securities Law

GWG Holdings L Bonds Recovery Options For Investors   Did you invest in  GWG L Bonds ?   If you invested in  GWG L Bonds products you should know that…

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Gerald O’Halloran-Union Capital Company Broker-Subject of Customer & Regulatory Complaints-Punta Gorda, FL

Gerald O’Halloran-Union Capital Company Broker-Subject of Customer & Regulatory Complaints-Punta Gorda, FL 150 150 Rex Securities Law

Gerald J. O’Halloran Investigation   March 2022-Punta Gorda, Florida The FINRA records of  Gerald J. O’Halloran,  a  previously registered stock broker who is currently employed by Union Capital Company and who was…

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Ex-Pat With Losses in Your U.S. Brokerage Account? How to Recover Damages.

Ex-Pat With Losses in Your U.S. Brokerage Account? How to Recover Damages. 150 150 Rex Securities Law

Ex-Pat With Losses in Your U.S. Brokerage Account? November 2021 If you are an expat residing in Canada, The Bahamas, Japan, Thailand, Mexico, United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, the Caribbean, South…

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“Doc” Gallagher-The “Money Doctor”-Sentenced For Operating Ponzi scheme-Fort Worth, TX

“Doc” Gallagher-The “Money Doctor”-Sentenced For Operating Ponzi scheme-Fort Worth, TX 150 150 Rex Securities Law

Doc Gallagher Punishment-3 Life Sentences-Plus 30 Years Bible Thumping Advisor Preyed Upon Churchgoers  November 2021-Fort Worth, TX  “Doc Gallagher” According to recent press William Neil “Doc” Gallagher was sentenced to…

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